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Quem Somos


Biotub is a company of Holding IN4Y. It was created to bring innovative solutions to planting MPBs, compatible with various types of crops, such as eucalyptus, sugar cane, among others.

The Biotub Line provides unique and disruptive solutions in the global seedling planting market.

Through pioneering technology, it provides significant improvement in the growth of seedlings of various species, including fruits, coffee, citrus, eucalyptus, pine, palm trees, sugar cane, native species, among others.

This is a revolution in the seedling production chain (all crops) as we will achieve precocity (reduction of the period for harvesting/cutting different species) or increased productivity of the specific crop per hectare.

For example, our objective is to reduce the time required to cut eucalyptus from 7 to 6 years.

Made from biodegradable materials, the tubes incorporate micro and macronutrients with controlled release and high availability, creating an exceptionally favorable environment for plants to establish themselves quickly and effectively in the field.

The adequate availability of nutrients makes it possible to optimize or even eliminate the need for base fertilizer, in addition to significantly reducing irrigation processes as biotubet initially retains moisture and returns it to the environment after a few days in a similar way to irrigation gel.

These characteristics bring considerable impacts on sustainability as they optimize the amount of fertilizers, reduce the number of irrigations in addition to productivity gains.


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Centro Corporativo:

Vinhedo - SP

Rua Fluminense, 379,

CEP: 13287-204
Tel.: +55 19 3826-2885


São Leopoldo - RS

Av. São Borja, 1336

Rio Branco

CEP: 93032-500​

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